MCT2 KP EM Actuator
1 to 96 kN
138 to 1600mm/s
0.36 to 8.4 KW
Inline and foldback design with internal anti-rotate
MCT2 BS EM Actuator
1 to 96 kN
138 to 1600mm/s
0.36 to 8.4 KW
Inline and foldback design with internal anti-rotate
MCT1 EM Actuator
1 to 96 kN
138 to 1600mm/s
0.36 to 8.4 KW
Inline and foldback design with internal anti-rotate
880 EM Actuator
1 to 96 kN
138 to 1600mm/s
0.36 to 8.4 KW
Inline and foldback design with internal anti-rotate
PDF 다운로드MCT6 SD EH Actuator
Piston area
30, 50, 70, 120, 150cm2
20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150mm